
How to Get to Seven: The Rest of the Replacement Process

On Tuesday night, the Board interviewed thirteen people who have expressed interest in being the replacement for the District D vacancy.  Two people withdrew; the rest came to the Board room in 15-20 minute increments to discuss their backgrounds and vision for the school district as well as to answer questions from the Board.

The candidates consisted of a wide range of citizens from within District D boundaries.  I had a great time listening to them describe their interest in education and their responses to all of our questions. 

The Board convened in executive session following the meeting to learn of the statutory guidelines for the next steps.  No candidates were discussed in this session; statute doesn't permit this, and in any case the Board wants these discussions to be fully public.  The Board settled on having two additional special meetings to accomplish three objectives: 1) ensure all discussions of the candidates occurs in open session, for both transparency’s sake and for the benefit of the public; 2) to nominate finalists to give the Board time to follow up individually with candidates before the appointment process, and 3) to appoint the new Director prior to the statutory deadline of March 16th.

The first meeting will occur on Monday the 11th.  There is essentially one item on the agenda: to nominate finalists.  Board members may choose to participate by phone if they can’t attend in person.  The Board will nominate up to five finalists, with each person nominated requiring a second.  Because of this, there may be fewer than five.  Each Board member will have a chance to speak on behalf of any of the candidates after the nominations.

The second meeting will take place on Thursday the 14th.  The Board will have another chance to interview the finalists.  After that, a vote will take place that will formally fill the vacancy.  After that, the new Board member will be able to vote with the rest of us to elect a new Vice President.

I am looking forward to the final steps in this process.  We have a very high-caliber pool of candidates from which to choose.   I welcome input from any citizen regarding any of the candidates that were interviewed in Tuesday night.