
Searching for a good board member: the latest

Here’s an update on the process to interview candidates for the vacant District D Board of Education seat.

Rather than having Board members try to agree on a few candidates to interview, President Carson has suggested that we interview every candidate to give everyone an opportunity to address the Board.  That way, every applicant can outline what he or she hopes to contribute to the Board.  The rest of the Board liked this idea.  Tomorrow evening, March 5, we will interview all of the candidates for 15 to 20 minutes, beginning at 4:30 pm.

All candidate interviews are open to the public, although each candidate will not be permitted to watch the others’ presentations.  Each will have a chance to distribute written materials.  The interviews will be conducted in the Board room at Wilcox.  After all the interviews are completed, the Board will discuss how we want to narrow the field down to a few finalists.

Here’s the schedule, past, present and future: 
  • Online application period closed: February 22nd
  • Application review ending: March 1st
  • First round of interviews 15 minutes each: March 5th
  • Second round of interviews: TBD
  • Final selection and appointment: March 14th
 Note that because of the statutory deadline, the Board needs to complete interviews within 60 days of former Director Gerken’s resignation, which is March 16th.  The regular meeting scheduled for March 19th would be too late, so the meeting that day will be moved to the 14th.